Interclean Amsterdam is run by the industry, for the industry. The Exhibition Committee is our Advisory Board representing both exhibitors and visitors. The board advises on strategic issues which are relevant, comprehensive and in the interest of the sector. It is with their support that Interclean remains the leading international platform for everyone involved in the cleaning and hygiene industry. The committee consists of a selected number of leaders and representatives with extensive experience in the cleaning and hygiene industry.
About the Advisory Boards
The Interclean Exhibition Committee
The Interclean Amsterdam Exhibition Committee is our show advisory board, and consists of executives of (exhibiting and visiting) companies and therewith acts as the voice and trend watchers of the global cleaning industry.
Cochel ter Schure
Alexander Bernhardt
Carlos Reinoso
Anna Koningson Koopmans
Michel Spruijt
Natalie Dowse
Paul Wonnacott
Poalo Scapinello
Martin Stolz
Michael Bruggemann
The International Jury of the Amsterdam Innovation Award
Since 1996 the International Jury of the Amsterdam Innovation Award has been working to select and reward the best innovations in the cleaning industry. The Awards were given to the latest and most impressive products and systems, designed to encounter and facilitate customer's everyday lives.
Antonio Borreda
Chiara Scelsi
Michelle Marshall
Pierre Deschamps
Reinhard Knittler
Rob den Hertog
Corinne Zudonyi
Ronald Bruins
The Healthcare Cleaning Forum executive committee
The HCF is a platform for healthcare experts, cleaning experts, hospital managers and industry to meet productively. The conference aimed to summarize the state-of-the-art knowledge in the field, create awareness and dialogue, challenge dogma and begin to shape a research agenda for developing the field of hospital hygiene and environmental control.
The HCF executive committee is in charge of the HCF programme, schedule, content and workshops.