Enabling companies to excel in thier participation at exhibitions

Enabling companies to excel in their participation at exhibitions

RAI research report into the exhibitor customer journey.

What’s the best way for companies to ensure they make the most of their participation in exhibitions? RAI Amsterdam has studied the customer journey experienced by exhibitors and formulated tips for every phase of that journey in the second RAI Insights report, part of a trilogy on the subject. The information contained in the new report will help exhibitors at trade shows and other events increase the impact of their brand, while also enabling organisers to provide better support.

Exhibitors are the driving force behind every event. The manner in which they participate, the products they showcase and the effectiveness of their performance are the major determinant of visitor customer satisfaction and the success of any event. Despite the importance of their role, however, exhibitors can struggle to excel on all these fronts.

As most only take part in trade events a few times a year, it can take quite some time to build up the required experience. At the same time, exhibitors need to make the most of rapid changes in the market and technology. This means that organisers who wish to ensure that their event is influential would do well to provide the best possible support to their exhibitors.

The study

Based on these insights, RAI Amsterdam has undertaken a major research project into the exhibitor customer journey. This study has been led by the RAI’s customer marketing manager Joost van Eupen and market researcher Sanne Jolles, who worked together with a team of RAI specialists and research agency Unplugged, a subsidiary of Makerstreet.

“We started by mapping the most decisive moments in the customer journey,” explains Van Eupen “Next, we used observation and interview techniques based on design thinking to study exhibitors from the Netherlands and abroad and gain a clear picture of their expectations and experiences for each phase. Based on this input, we can provide targeted advice to exhibitors at each phase, enabling them to improve their ROI from an event.”

Important insights

The five phases in the exhibitor customer journey are:

      Orientation: deciding whether to exhibit in an event, with which objectives and how
      Preparation: from exhibiting concept to invitations
      Leading up to the exhibition: physical transport and build-up
      During the exhibition: physical and digital encounters
      After the exhibition: a proper follow-up of contacts and measurement of results

The report includes specific tips for exhibitors at each phase as well as a number of overall observations. For example, it underlines the ongoing need to find the balance between urgent practical matters and strategic issues which may seem less pressing but have at least as much impact on the success of the participation. In addition, while all exhibitors are looking to maximise their ROI, they often find it difficult to measure. Agreeing on clear KPIs and setting up the back office well in advance makes it easier to determine afterwards whether an event was worth the effort. Another key insight is that many exhibitors still think in terms of stands, while organising or participating in other ways or activities, including online, often also offers a lot of added value.

Instructions for use

The report, which enables companies to optimise their participation in exhibitions, can be downloaded here free of charge. Event organisers can use it themselves to understand their clients better and provide more tailored support. They might also forward the report to their exhibitors so they can directly apply the tips it contains.

About RAI Insights

RAI Amsterdam is more than a venue and event organiser – it offers a broad platform for the general exchange and development of knowledge. For instance, the RAI focuses on a different theme in its RAI Insights report every year, contributing to the further professionalisation of the event sector by all parties involved. Previous topics covered include Generations X & Y, the connected society, future-proof events and ‘no friction without friction’. The latest report is part of a customer journey trilogy, issued between 2017 and 2019. The 2017 report looked at the customer journey of visitors, this 2018 report analyses that of exhibitors, and the 2019 edition – which will be published early in the year – will focus on organisers.



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